Handgards Holiday Food Safety Disposables

Handgards Holiday Food Safety Disposables

A Holiday Gift Guide for the Food Safety Manager: A blog around giving food safety as a gift. The holiday season is a busy time for restaurants—and it can be just as stressful for all food service professionals. If you’re a restaurant owner, then you know that

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50 Years of Manufacturing

50 Years of Manufacturing

50 Years of Gloves, 50 Years of Growth Handgards Legacy In 2023, Handgards is proud to celebrate its 50th anniversary as a glove manufacturer in El Paso, TX. Over the years, our product portfolio has expanded beyond gloves to include a wide range of food service disposable

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50 Years Manufacturing in El Paso

50 Years Manufacturing in El Paso

Meet Handgards – El Paso’s homegrown company. Handgards has been making products here for the last 50 years. And, we are not going anywhere! Previous Next This year, in 2023, Handgards celebrates the 50th anniversary of manufacturing disposable food service items in El Paso, Texas and to

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NEW Handgards Online Product Catalog

NEW Handgards Online Product Catalog

New Handgards Catalog 2023 Available online now! Visit our online catalog, along with other useful links, by clicking on the image below.  Please be informed that the hard copy version  will soon be available via the Samples Department starting the week of February 10th, 2023 Neutral Announcement

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Disposable Low Density Slide Zip Reclosabe Bags

REDUCE FOOD WASTE KEEP FOODS FRESH STORE EFFICIENTLY PREPARE EFFICIENTLY AND KEEP FOODS FRESH WITH RECLOSABLE BAGS Our TuffGards® Slide Zip Reclosable Bags provide the perfect solution to help reduce food waste, prepare foods efficiently, and keep foods fresh. Our reclosable bags offer slide zip closure technology

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Disposable Low Density Freezer Reclosable Bags

REDUCE FOOD WASTE KEEP FOODS FRESH STORE EFFICIENTLY CUT FOOD WASTE AND SAVE PREPARATION TIME WITH RECLOSABLE BAGS Our TuffGards® Low Density (LD) Reclosable Freezer bags provide the perfect solution to help reduce food waste, prepare foods efficiently, and keep foods fresh. Our LD reclosable freezer bags

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Disposable High Density Reclosable Bags

REDUCE FOOD WASTE KEEP FOODS FRESH STORE EFFICIENTLY CUT FOOD WASTE AND SAVE PREPARATION TIME WITH RECLOSABLE BAGS Our TuffGards® high density (HD) reclosable bags provide the perfect solution to help reduce food waste, prepare foods efficiently, and keep foods fresh. Our reclosable bags offer a zipper

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