Enhancing Labor Retention
A shift in food-service employment
The landscape of the food service industry in the United States is constantly changing, and a notable shift has occurred in the past four years: wages for employees have steadily risen, quitting rates have declined slightly (possibly due to economic uncertainty), and the industry is growing, triggering a hire rate steeper than almost any other industry. The Department of Labor projects that 2.6 million jobs will open each year within food service occupations through 2032 (Lawhorn, 2023). Where these workers are employed has also undergone a significant transformation, shifting from full-service restaurants and cafeterias to the snack and beverage sectors, along with fast casual dining establishments – a trend that will continue if the occupational openings prediction is any indication, as seen below.
Retaining talent
The issue of attracting and retaining talent in this evolving landscape remains forefront in operator’s minds. One of the keys to fostering a loyal workforce lies in employers’ ability to demonstrate care for their employees’ well-being. Providing the correct equipment tailored to the demands of each job is paramount in ensuring a safe and efficient work environment. Here, Handgards® steps in, offering a range of products designed to meet the unique protection needs of each occupation within the food service industry. The right product, for the right task, at the right price.
Tailored protection
By investing in the right protection for workers, operators can increase employee retention by elevating their safety and well-being. From chefs and servers to kitchen staff and bartenders, each occupation within the industry plays a vital role in delivering a superior dining experience. Handgards® understands this need for tailored protection and delivers industry-leading solutions that consider safety as well as promote efficiency and productivity in the workplace. The Bureau of Labor Statistics in its Occupational Outlook Handbook cites as the most common injuries to food service employees being “slips, cuts, and burns” and suggests workers to “wear gloves, aprons…” to reduce the risk of accidents (Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, November).
Safety first, integrity always
Handgards® has you covered: from protective apparel such as aprons to a wide range of gloves for different applications, our goal is focus on customers and what they need. GripGards® stretch hybrid gloves in clear or blue are a perfect fit for those tasks that require precision; black nitrile gloves are ideal for preparing meats and sauces; and traditional poly gloves are the go-to for quick and light functions such as salad prep.
Safety first and integrity always. Visit our website handgards.com to access our glove selector tool, which will help you decide glove is right for the task at hand – whether it be nitrile, poly, synthetic – all at the right price.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. (November). Occupational Outlook Handbook. Retrieved from Food and Beverage Serving and Related Workers: https://www.bls.gov/ooh/food-preparation-and-serving/food-and-beverage-serving-and-related-workers.htm
Lawhorn, B. (2023, September). US Department of Labor Blog. Retrieved from Data Spotlight: Growing Food Service Jobs: https://blog.dol.gov/2023/09/22/data-spotlight-growing-food-service-jobs
Statistics, U. B. (2024, December). Retrieved from US Bureau of Labor Statistics: https://www.bls.gov/web/empsit/ceshighlights.pdf